“I’m Boooored”

Summer is almost here! It is an exciting time for camps, sleep overs, day trips, vacations and more. And then, the… “I’m boooored” creeps in. And kids are looking to their parents for entertainment. This can be challenging in many ways. In all fairness, they did go from five days a week of structure to having a lot of free time. It can be hard to fill! Screen time can encourage this feeling as well. You will notice most of the ideas are engaging activities with you while some could have alone time elements. I hope these ideas will help. Kids, if you are reading this, circle the ones you like and ask your parent to help set them up for you. I hope you have fun!


Sensory Station: Get a container that is anywhere from 6 to 18 inches deep and 3 feet long. This can be used for dry items like leaves, sticks, rocks, feathers (store bought) and/or cotton balls. Or, it can also be filled with water or sand. Or, you can use plastic play dishes. You can also put some whipped cream in one for a fun “etch and sketch.” Draw, wipe away and draw again. Or, simply smear around for some sensory fun.


Glitter Bottle: There are various ways to make a glitter bottle. I like using a smart water bottle because they are sturdy. You will need glitter, glitter glue, warm water, crazy glue and beads (optional). First you put in the glitter glue. The more glitter glue the slower the glitter will take to settle. Then add the glitter then warm water. The water must be warm to work properly. Add beads for some sound. Fill to the top with water and crazy glue the lid shut. Move the bottle back and forth mixing the water with the glitter glue and glitter.

Stress Balls: I prefer using lentils for a more dense stress ball or use Orbeez, for a fun squishy stress ball. (Thank you M for introducing me to the world of Orbeez balls!) Orbeez balls take several hours to expand, so best to make these and let them sit overnight or prepare them first thing in the morning. Take a transparent (any color if using lentils) balloon, use a small funnel over the opening and fill in with desired substance. You may want to take the funnel off a few times and blow into the balloon creating a little more space. Tie off and you have a stress ball! These items could be fun in the sensory table too!

Salt Art: You will need chalk, salt, paper plates or heavy paper, and a clear container. I recommend a shower curtain or a large piece of paper for the floor. Pour out some salt onto the paper plate/paper and rub the chalk on it until the pile is the color of the chalk. Use the chalk like a rolling pin over the salt. Pour into the container. Repeat with a new color of chalk. When pouring in, you can have even or more on one side creating a slanted look. Put lid on. When completed, you will have a colorful salt art!

Make Jewelry: Get a container of mixed beads/buttons/gems and some string. Make braided bracelets or necklaces with a mixture of beads/buttons/gems. Make matching sets with patterns or all different. This can be a fun thing to share with friends.

Make a Book: You will need paper, something to color with, a pen, a hole punch and some string. The size of the paper is up to you. It can be done with smaller paper with punched holes and string to tie them together or you can use an oversized easel pad of paper. Use artwork and text to make a story. This can be a solo activity or do it together all at once or in chapters.


Inside Snow Ball Fight: You will need a minimum of a dozen plush balls. The more the merrier! A bundle of white plush balls can be found online Best Buy or Amazon or colored ones are often at the Dollar Store. Similar ideas are a water balloon fight and Nerf gun war!

Wash the Car: This one depends on your child’s age. It can be a lot of fun especially for the younger ones. It can be interactive and fun and productive.


Snail Mail: Send a loved one (grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin, beloved friend, etc.) a homemade card, letter, painting, or craft item.

Special Pet Day: If you are able, go to the pet store and let the kids pick something out for your animals. Have a dog? Take them to the pond or park. Have a cat? Make your cat a puzzle box out of a shoe box. Cut holes just big enough for their paws and arm to reach in. Put cotton balls, string, various toys inside. Tape down the lid. Don’t have a pet but know of one that you like? Buy it something special and bring it to them.

Spa Day: Paint your child’s fingernails and toe nails. Do facials complete with a head massage and cucumber slices on their eyes. 

I hope you have some inspiration for some summer fun especially for those “I’m so boooored” days. Something I learned from my niece is to google “DIY for kids.” I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I did putting it together. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Happy Summer!

Published in Boulder County Kids Newsletter Summer 2018